Why is that so? Because the earth is sick. Global warming are everywhere. Nobody cares. They are too busy getting on with their lives. Making money is their first priority in life and it still holds true to this day. Poverty are every where. Fate can sometimes be cruel to all of us. We need […]
Why? Doesn’t matter whether if you have enough time or not. Rushing things will leads to failure thus causing upstages in work, mind, body and soul where you agonize over small or big things that will topple you over. It can cause a headache thus leading to mistakes in life. Success is never an accident. […]
Posted on 20/11/2009, 2:32 pm, by ohiit, under
Was bored at night for a brief moment and decide to scribble on the wall. ;p
Everything in life always has a beginning and has no end. It is a common phase in life. Youth is even precious. Make the best out of it. It is common knowledge but many people didn’t have the time to take notice so it should not let life be a fleeting clouds that takes no […]
Posted on 10/11/2009, 2:52 pm, by ohiit, under
I have experienced the closeness intense eye contact engenders with a stranger firsthand. Once, when giving a seminar to several hundred people, one woman’s face in the crowd caught my attention. The participant’s appearance was not particularly unique. Yet she became the focus of my attention throughout my talk. Why? Because not for one moment […]
Upon looking back 10 years ago when I was in my younger days. It was a feeling that is left unexplained, decision shaped and forge new understanding for I have made the best of my life in whatever possible way with a distinction mindset. Life is not all about the people that surround you but […]