
It has been such a long time…

WOW!! Looking at the November 2011. It has been such a long time, I last updated. Almost into 10 months and I haven’t since updated anything. WOW!! 10 months do really whizzed pass very fast. Hmmmm….I really am wondering what this blog’s purpose would be. I used to have first previous domain rukii.com but it died down in 2004. Really, it is alot of work and effort to be invested but now I do not have the inspiration to continue my blog. I am currently still thinking….ahh still then adios. But not completely gone. Will be back in the near future. Godspeed!!


A little form of entertainment. ;p

mario bros

Time always pass you by…

I still can’t believe it that I haven’t updated for such a long time. Time has flown month by month and eventually year by year. A decade is such a short fleeting time. It is scary that the years goes by so fast that there is so little time to achieve things according to my way.

I have been re-connecting with my old university mate and keep in touch to ensure there are moments not to be missed. There are best things in life that I have met and lost. But life told me to move on with clarity. Relationship is an investment for me. It is something that is to be treasured and not taken things for granted. I still vividly remember that it takes years to build rapport but takes a second to break it. That is a scary amount of thoughts. Again I still take life as a challenge despite my hearing impairment.


1. Remember your goal: Every passion, when you turn it into a career, does become a job. But it is much easier to go to work when you’re not just putting in your time but your interests as well.

2. Fail and learn: Research and development is a lot of failure. You can successfully prove many different ways not to do something before you find out that is right. Anybody who doesn’t use failure as a part of his/her learning curve is either kidding himself/herself or is out of touch.

3. Write it down: Keep a small notebook with yourself. You may get little crazy, goofy ideas all the time and there will be guys around you doing the same. Then you can all sit and do a brain dump on a regular basis. A lot of times, one idea feeds another and a third one springs from that. Keep them all. There are a lot of things you might think of tomorrow that might not have applicability until next year or a few years down the line as technology and materials come into play that makes it possible. There are no bad ideas, just unused ones.

4. Keep working: It’s difficult to master this craft. To constantly improve is the greatest part of the game. Improve the next version and deliver a better product so people can have a little bit more fun than they had yesterday.

What does fear mean to you?

Before I forget when the words disappear into another dimension I would rather write it down before it is all gone too soon.

As I was on my way to work. A thought triggers and says “Don’t let fear gets bigger or it will destroy you”. Once fears over consume you. You are dead and you fall in a bigger pit which will take years to recover. So whenever you are afraid, take small actionable steps and overcome it whenever you have doubts conquering your dreams every time the thoughts shudders. It is better to take action to discover the answer rather than wait for it to come or otherwise it will be gone forever.

Ohhhh how right. Yes, hmmm take small actionable goals whenever it may be. Ahhhh….heaving a sigh with understanding.

Metropolis in a decade

I can’t believe I dreamed that in Clementi area where I lived which is part of Singapore has turned into metropolis and there were people who live in poverty. It was an ugly sight and not everyone can stomach seeing this small Clementi area turn into a monster. Many rich people alike millionaire living luxury in this area that cause me to see things which I wasn’t expecting in two decades.

Oh my, how things have drastically changed so much that I couldn’t begin to fathom the word “WHY?” I saw buildings with executive condominium standing tall in front of the HDB therefore blocking the sun’s rays through my windows where I usually so used to seeing the bright lights. As I peer across the executive condos and I saw people’s actions through the glass panel across my windows. It was so lively but at the same time my heart sank because it was not the Clementi I once knew. Everything has transformed.

As I looked down the street through my windows, I saw like millions of people crowding the street. It was so darn packed and my mum looked at it with sorrow that she couldn’t go to market like before due to the throngs of crowds jostling around. Every car was hybrid technology equipped. I felt that I was seeing the future that stand before me. It was so overwhelming.

Then suddenly I awoke and found myself in present day on my bed and heave a sign of relieve. I am back. It was just only a dream. I believe that dream has a message for me. As it reads in my thoughts “Overcome your negative mindset and accept the challenge of your decision not the people around you.” Ahhhhh….

Holstee Manifesto



Dreaming a Dream

To pay a high price dreaming will always be harsh and long.

It is not ok to have a debt to pay just to dream because it will only lead to confusion and arduous which therefore lose it shine and focus.

One day, it will be a beautiful dream if you took a longer route to reach the destination. If your dream reach at the end and you succeed, you have finally made the cut but you discover less than people who travel a long journey but that person will definitely discover many meaningful things.

That will define a person.

A dream may be accomplished in a year, several years or even a decades no matter what the outcomes and cost. There is a price to pay. But the reality is still filled with noise if you dream of practical things but it will definitely never borne fruits just because of a debt.

So take things at a time and continue to move on, find a reason to support your magical dream.

To dream big, put forth your action, it is better late than never.

Action is a big restorer of your faith and a big leap forward. So continue to dream and don’t lose hope or otherwise it will become your lifetime of regrets. So don’t…give up, never give up, please don’t give up…..

Finally of all, it is not a matter of how good you are but your dream must be great only when you will realize how deep the potential is by achieving small greater things than doing big greater things.

We can turn today into tomorrow’s dream.

A dream by power nap

I took a power nap and I dreamed a dream….and the conversation goes like this. I was so inspired….

Life Mentor: If your drama ends here you are definitely not Rudy. You ignored your friends and as a result your see your friends succeed first. But…your drama’s end isn’t here. If it extends this long, the ending may be different. You’ve realized, reflected on and fixed your problem and you’ve grow from it. If this normal story comes true, then you could be the main character of this drama. Your drama is far from over.

It isn’t moving along quicker. If you take your time, you can end up seeing a lot more than people who rush by.

If you ask me who will make it big

I would say the person who took their time to see a lot more.

There is still a long ways until your drama is over.
So don’t fret that it is not going quicker.

If you go slower, you can see a lot more than those that go by quickly.

If you ask me who will grow more out of the successful ones.

Believe it is the person that goes slower and sees more.

Rudy: Hmm…mmmm…

Forced myself to wake up. Ahhhhhh..


‘M’ is the million things she gave me;

‘O’ is only that she’s growing old;

‘T’ is the tears she shed to save me;

‘H’ is for her heart of purest gold

‘E’ is for her eyes, with love-light shining;

‘R’ means right, she is always right here for me.



I—inject投入、L—loyal忠诚、O—observant用心、V—valiant勇敢、E—enjoyment喜悦、Y—yes愿意、O—obligation责任、U—unison和谐,这就是最爱的一种诠释,你说过I Love You吗?

Hahaha…this was taken from my Canon IXUS 750. ^_^