37 words of ohiit
From my perception regarding about what “OHIIT” is expected to be? It is for my own personal self-thoughts and education to the world. Some audience might noticed that ohiit sound like “OH SHIT” in their subconscious mind or see things in different perspective way. I’m fine with the way it is. But to all the audience out there from different walks of life in cyberspace or blogsphere have their own views. People do notice things sometimes to be of insignificant value but nonetheless it will not bother me much because I don’t have to know when, where, how would people reflect me to be. That is not important for the time being.
I would like to pick the word “FCUK” as an example. To people’s view in subconscious mind, it also seems and sound like “FUCK”. Well that is their side of the story. But it stand for “French Connection in United Kingdom”. Very unique and it stand out. That is the creativity side. That is what became into a brand. It is really a powerful communication image.
It is not something within my control and change people mindset, opinion and viewpoints. It is your own self to take a leap of faith to whether to embrace what ohiit is about. I believe it is still a project work of my own to testify my thinking and analysis whether I can deliever a message. So I don’t have to take things too hard in the meantime if I am not being correct in the first place.
So now, I am writing 37 words of what the character are…
O bjective
H indsight
I njection
N owadays
C orporate
O sciatation
M indmapping
P rinciples
R eturner
E nrichment
H oned
E mended
N oble
S olo
I nfancy
B usiness
L ink
E thic
I ncorporation
N everending
T ruth
E volution
L iaison
L earning
I nternet
G ospel
E ducation
N omand
T abular
T omorrow
H eaven-sent
O ught
U topia
G entle
H ypnotize
T enderness
S cope
For now it is just a rough idea and is not perfected yet. I am still adjusting from time to time.